Posted by Keith Reed
The meeting was chaired by Bob Baker.  Terry Dason was the greeter and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance; Moha  gave us the “thought of the day” which was that in doing most projects it is usually better to take your time and involve others to assist you; David Birkenstein handled the dig-n-grin with a question about how many kids you might have in those states that treat fertilized embryos as  live children; and how some women are still just delighted to find an unmarried man!  There were 15 members present and one attending by Zoom.  Member birthdays were Pat O’Day (Feb. 12), Jeanne Beckman (Feb. 23) and Felicia O’Malley (Feb. 24).
    ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Barb and Moha were thanked for all the work they have done on the WCH food pantry project; the program on 3/21 will be another planning session for the 100th anniversary celebration. Our Club meeting on March 28th will be a tour of New Trier High School, but members need to inform Wes about their lunch attendance and preference; and Rotary has a District Conference at its Evanston facility on April 20.  Patti reported that the Club’s Foundation Board recently met to consider grant applications for the next year. Barb reported that she recently attended the New Trier Career Fair and was really impressed with the interest and spirit the high school kids there have in volunteering to do important projects for the community and others.
   HAPPY BUCKS: Robert reported on his recent trip to Maui although the sites there are far from “happy”.  He reported that there is still much repair work that needs to be done all over the island and that at least 13 Rotary members there lost their homes.  Rotary International donated several thousand dollars to the Rotary Clubs there.  On a happier note, Robert reported that it is that time of year when he attempts to celebrate his birthday and wedding anniversary on Feb. 29th, but the good news for the Club is that he is not restricting his contribution to the 4 year maximum that could be used since the 29th occurs only every 4 years!
   SPEAKER MATTHEW ROONEY, PRESIDENT OF TRUSTEES OF CANAL SHORES GOLF FACILITY IN EVANSTON:  Matthew is a long time resident of Evanston, as well as a retired attorney and long time advocate of preserving and improving the Evanston Canal Shores area for the benefit of all residents in Evanston and neighboring communities. Its address in Evanston is 1030 Central Street where it has a building housing its golf operation, a bar and a Legion  Post.  Its priorities are encouraging local people of all ages to enjoy low cost golfing, walking, and other outdoor experience/activities available in the Canal Shores area.  While at the same time to provide life skill activities and employment opportunities for the local youth, improve the canal drainage condition and other ecological activities. 
   The golf club has been around for over a hundred years (under such names as Peter Jans) but went through a renovation period about 5 years ago.  It’s an 18 hole golf course,  par being 60, and a number of very challenging holes. It is a neighbor friendly course that welcomes walkers, dogs and has a 2 ½ mile hiking path along the canal.  The entire canal area  property is about 82 acres with the golf course taking about ½ of that.  The club has been fortunate to get substantial economic support from the Western Golf Association and  the Chick Evans Foundation which supply summer work opportunities for the local youth, as well as substantial college scholarships.
    Other popular summer activities for community residents/visitors are the outdoor concerts, movies and bird watching tours.  More information regarding these activities can be found on your computer at Evanston Golf Course Canal Shores-- or
   The meeting adjourned around 1:30 with the recitation of the Rotary 4 Way Test.