Posted by Patti Van Cleave
President Greg called the meeting to order at 12:20.
Fred offered a Thought on behalf of Terry: “Don’t miss the Farmers Market”.
Moha led the Pledge.  
Visiting guests & Rotarians
Greg had a guest: Anastasia Lozhkina from Schaumburg-Hoffman Estates club.
Ron Bernardi was with us, as he is often now!
Keith Reed is celebrating 9 years in Rotary.
Bill, Greg, Barb and Patti thanked Ron for his popcorn wagon, popcorn, and offering us the opportunity to sell popcorn at the Music Festival last weekend. Ron worked from 8:30AM-10:00PM! The volunteers netted $2,000, which will be split with The Volunteer Center.
See Rich to make a donation to The Rotary Foundation before July 1.  
On June 29 we will be attending Market & Music in Northfield to network and sell (more) popcorn.
Happy Bucks:
Rich gave a buck of gratitude because Ron is a friend of our club.
Moha gave a buck for successfully completing 12 weeks of cardio rehab.  
Brett Bowman spoke to us, thanks to Liz. Brett has lived in Winnetka since 2008 and has three kids. He shared his personal story and how it led him into the gourmet nut business. His daughter Lily passed samples (food is always appreciated!).
President Greg adjourned the meeting at 1:26, when we recited the 4 Way Test.