100 Years of Service!
The Rotary Club of Winnetka-Northfield has been providing fellowship and service opportunities to business owners, community leaders and involved citizens since 1924.

Opportunities to Make a Difference
Rotary provides a wonderful opportunity for ordinary people to do extraordinary things- like provide new winter coats and dictionaries to children living in exceptional need.  These are just a few of the amazing accomplishments initiated by members of our club:
  • Annually organize and fund a community service project on that packs 100,000 highly nutritious meals for hungry children in Nicaragua and local families suffering economic hardships, working with Kids Against Hunger.
  • Established a highly successful micro-lending program in Uganda.
  • Rescued scores of African civil war refugees from a life of slavery.
  • Built a library at an orphanage in Viet Nam.
  • Provided ShelterBoxes for disaster relief in Haiti and other areas after natural disasters.
  • Sponsored dozens of Ambassadorial Scholars for graduate studies overseas.
  • Annually provide hundreds of children living in need in Chicago and the North Shore with new winter coats through our Operation Warm project.
  • Annually provide financial support to local community organizations and new winter coats to children linving in need in Chicago and the Norht Shore.

New Members Welcome
We meet weekly for lunch on Thursdays at the Winnetka Community House.  At each meeting, members and guests enjoy a catered lunch, opportunities for networking and fellowship and an interesting and informative program.  Meetings begin at 12:15 and conclude promptly at 1:30.  Guests are always welcome and your first lunch is on us!

To Contact us:
  • Email us at
  • Or write us at
    Rotary Club of Winnetka-Northfield
    c/o Winnetka Community House
    620 Lincoln Avenue
    Winnetka, IL 60093